Thursday, May 7, 2009


Hi friends, how does this day find you? Exhausted, prayerful, blessed, stressed, happy, sad? Not coincidentally (since today is National Day of Prayer in America), I've found this week to be bountiful with prayer. I've had some issues of my own to work on, like being more patient and seeking God's will over my own. Thankfully He doesn't give up on my stubborn self!

I'd like to ask that you guys keep a sweet lady I was acquainted with here at Nellis through Chapel and Mommy group. Her name is Tina, and her hubby Kenny is active duty Air Force. They have a son who is 4, and had a precious baby Gabi who passed away this week. She was just shy of her 5 month birthday, and she never woke up from napping. I think at this point it can be assumed SIDS was the cause of her passing. I cannot fathom anything much worse than losing a precious baby. What heartache and pain they must feel. It's times like this that I sit back and analyze my impatience with Ethan and Evan, and realize that I only have them for a short time and then they will be grown up, or who knows...maybe with the Lord. Each day is a ticking clock full of potential. How did we use this time? Did we enjoy what's most important or did we flub it away on nonsense? I'm ready to get rid of the nonsense in my life and focus on what God has blessed me with--my family and friends!

I hope this finds you prayerful, blessed, and hopeful!
**I included a pic of the boys at Red Rock Canyon this past Friday. We took and mommy and boys trip to go hike in God's creation!!! As always, a fun but tiring time followed by a trip to Whole Foods!
Happy Mother's Day to all the momma's out there!!!

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